Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Don't Say Baby

This has to be the most popular Baby Shower Game Ever! It’s very traditional, easy to play, and fun for all involved. Is great as an icebreaker as well!

Never say "Baby"

Supplies: Baby Safety Pins or Baby Clothespins or even Pacifier Necklaces.

  1. When each guest arrives, provide her with a safety pin, clothespin, or necklace.
  2. Give each guest instructions on how the game is played
  3. Whenever someone says the word "baby" during the shower, any woman who calls it out gets a pin from the other woman who stated the word.
  4. At the end of the baby shower, the woman with the most pins wins a prize.

Pin It!

1 comment:

Xenia said...

I just happened by your blog and wanted to say that I played this game at the last baby shower I was at and it was a blast! I probably think that because I WON, but still, there were a lot of people there and it got a little competitive but was really fun.


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